Monday, October 11, 2010

Throw the Book at Him?

Isn't it time we banned deadly assault books?

Even a scary public menace like Vanderboegh expresses concern.

On closer inspection, I think the guy is just trying to cover for somebody...:)


opaww said...

To bad it was not his 3000 page social-ist health care bill that was thrown at him

Defender said...

From Politico: "As Obama has steadily increased his outreach to African American voters over the past month. With interviews and campaign stops targeted at the black community – “our community,” as the president likes to say – he has sent a clear signal that this election is about him and his record.

“Two years ago you defied the conventional wisdom in Washington,” Obama told thousands of screaming supporters Sunday at a campaign rally in a predominantly black area of Philadelphia." "

Cue the zombie: "Raaaaycism!"
No? Why not?