Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Mystery to Me

Follow along:

Missile launched off coast of LA.

Govt says they don't know what it is or who fired it.

If true, WTF? The incompetence at fulfilling their most basic of functions demands all in charge be fired.

If not true, that means they--plural--are liars.

If the speculation is right, that this was a warning shot to Asia to not spook The One, does that mean it's OK for us to fire our guns in the air when we feel threatened?

And if the government thinks the threat is real enough to do this, maybe the rest of us have a vested interest in knowing?

Nah, the object isn't to do anything but ensure survivability and continuation of government. That's why they have all those elaborate tax-funded facilities, and disparage the preparedness folks as paranoid survivalists.

And we ridicule "conspiracy theorists" who disbelieve the official government line about things why...?



Anonymous said...

The Government is lying because they do not want us to know the Chinese fired that missile.

Ned said...

No problem. A missile is obviously shot off the coast of Ca, and the military - who, it would seem, would be concerned about such things, didn't do it, have no idea who did, and aren't investigating.

And the feds are suing Arizona for trying to protect the own border. Maybe state legislation should be extended to AZ state airspace.

It should be noted that the feds give no notice to flying objects that can't be identified, and which are often videotaped flying around over U.S. airspace.

But if you mention it YOU'RE a nut.

The government will protect you - notwithstanding missiles and other aircraft flying about. They're the experts. No worries.

Defender said...

Maybe Catalina Island demands to secede. Who could blame them?
Seriously, though, I believe the Odministration has set the tone for any two-bit punk country to challenge us now.

Heath J said...

Chicoms dunnit, me thinks.

And the .Gov is scared to death of them.

Unfortunately, if they were aiming for Kali, they missed :-P

Anonymous said...

I believe the report said the Regan battle group was in the area of the launch. Either it was a negligent discharge of epic proportions, or a foreign navy got close and fired the proverbial shot over the bow. These are just wild guesses on my part, but I'm certain the US military knows what happened.

Crotalus said...

The "missile" is moving too slowly to be a real missile, and sometimes contrails can thicken in humid air. The plane (yes, plane) is flying directly toward the camera, which is why it looks like it's gong up. I agree with the second update. It's a plane.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, which album cover is that picture from? I've been trying to remember for 15 years.

David Codrea said...

"Mystery to Me" by Fleetwood Mac.

Mack said...

Look, I'm a rocket scientist.

I've been involved with amateur rocketry for a long time.

Look at the video -- see the shadow on the exhaust. It's 3-dimensional.

A 'contrail' is condensation. Although it can cast a shadow, it's hard to see a contrail with a shadow on itself.

Solid rocket fuel can de composed of ammonium perchlorate or other materials - a missile leaves an exhaust, not a contrail.

Read this if you'd like.

David, keep your eye on this story and consider follow-ups if needed.