Tuesday, November 09, 2010

And They Call the Wind Shariah

Oklahoma's Ban on Shariah Law Blocked [More]
Of course it was. What do you expect, that "establishment of religion" hooey to discriminate against diversity?

Besides, the AG who sat on his hands was busy trying to amass more power, and the judge studied in Ghana.

Hey--I wonder if she knows Kwaku...?


Anonymous said...

Anybody who buys into the notion that Sharia law is coming to the US is a pawn. You are a pawn to the corporations, to the politicians, to everybody who has a better education than you have. This means pretty much anyone you are willing to listen to.

Defender said...

More proof that Islam is not a religion but a theocratic political system that permeates every aspect of life.

Defender said...

Uh-oh. Michelle Obama shook hands with Indonesia's information minister, Tifatul Sembiring, a conservative Muslim, creating a violation of the strict edict against touching women who aren't relatives. I think the penalty is ten lashes.

Sean said...

Anon 3:06,Careful, your burka is showing. Q: How many Moslems does it take to produce a country of free, independant people? A: It's never been tried.

1894C said...

To: Anon 3:06

Welcome to the party pal.

You may be a bit surprised at the reception you receive here. Thoughtful, considerate, yet disdainful of your bile.

To paraphrase Mike V. keep pokin' the wolverine... see what happens.


Anonymous said...

That's right, Muslims are all up to no good. That's what my TV keeps telling me so it must be true. Good thing too. After the USSR broke up and before 911 we didn't have any group to fear. Then we had terrorists to fear, but that wasn't scary enough so now we have the scary Muslims. How can we be the freest people in the world if we're not scared of the boogeyman?

Sean said...

Anon 11:22, Yer trying too hard. Besides, Olbermann is going back on the air, and you can go back to your daily dose of lies and bile. You talk about the Soviets like they were straw men. I guess that's what they were, only murdering millions of their own people kind of makes them a little more than that. I forget how you collectivists downplay your foibles. When you get a chance to breathe normal on the odd moment you haven't got your lips wrapped around Obongos' rectum, try some Starbucks latte. It'll taste better, and only costs $5.50, which is cheaper than your soul.