Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama ‘gun control’ goes back under the radar

What these developments indicate is a restraint and political pragmatism on the part of the administration and party leadership , and a concession that citizen disarmament is a losing political issue. What this means is, barring currently unforeseen circumstances that diminish the threat of Republican gains, overt support for more legislation by politicians not from “safe” districts will be stifled, at least until after the November elections. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a quick muting, a foundering treaty, and a sneaky insinuation.  In other words, enemies foreign and domestic are resorting to that old deceptive posturing that has always served them so well.


Mark Matis said...

And their Praetorian Guard will be glad to enable them in any way they are told. No matter how unconstitutional or treasonous the order may be. "I vus chust doink mein chob!" The stench is overwhelming.

Crotalus said...

Riiiight. He just realized that he (further) jeopardized his reelection. Gun owners will remember, you jug-eared twit!

"word is "oldcur". Now, what do you think we can make of that?

Anonymous said...

Gag orders and other details;

AJ said...

I wish that info would come from somewhere other than Alex Jones. :-(

David Codrea said...

Yeah, I don't see much in the way of actual documentation that can be independently verified for such sensational accusations.