Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cash Cab

The ban on guns for taxi drivers is coming from the cab companies. The policy means drivers are forced to find other ways to protect themselves. [More]
Carry anyway and don't tell them--it's none of their damn business. The worst they can do is fire you, and they'll never know unless you need to protect yourself, at which point, a crap job will be the least of your worries.

And take some classes and get a better job. The hell with those selfish pricks who would let you die.

I wonder if the pistol-whipped driver the video talks about is going to get a lawyer...? It's not like the cab companies can claim ignorance

If you're ever in Yuma and need a cab, call and ask if they allow their drivers to carry. If they say "No," tell them you won't do business with them and rent a car. I just checked--you can get an economy model for a whole day for $26 plus gas.

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