Saturday, February 02, 2013

Waco/FLIR Re-Release

From Mike McNulty:
We have decided to re-release two of the Waco films. You can send a request for a copy of the two DVD set featuring “Waco- a New Revelation” and “The FLIR Project.” The cost is $14.99 + shipping and Handling of $6.75 for a total of $21.74. Send your request, including your return mailing address to Payment can be made at Pay Pal, , refer to the e-mail address: to accesses our Pay Pal account. If you would prefer, you can pay with a money order. Send your order request to the e-mail address and instructions will be given.  The Pay Pal method will take 5-7 business days to receive your films by USPS Priority Mail. If you opt for the Money Order method it will take 8 to 14 business days to receive your film set.

In Addition we would like to invite you to look over the previous installments of the COPS Productions Blog to get a feel for what you’ll find in the two films we are offering. We do expose new facts about the “How” of what happened that goes to a clearer understanding of the “Why” of Waco, and perhaps a greater understanding of what we face in the future… or not.

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