Thursday, October 10, 2013

We're the Only Ones Mistaken Enough

"Again, it was a mistake, and it won't happen again," Provost said. [More]

Which example would you not classify as a mistake?
  • I was adding this column of numbers and forgot to carry over to the next column. 
  • I  read the label wrong and set the oven at 350 instead of 375.
  • I deliberately and with premeditation stole. Again and again.
What a shining example of the "Only Ones" entitled mentality, right down to cheesy excuse-making for a total, self-serving lack of ethics. He's just sorry he got caught.

Is anyone in authoritah curious why someone with 30 years under his belt would think that was something he could get away with, and with enough confidence to do it again and again?

Make no mistake: As long as the penalty is a comparative slap on the wrist and he still gets to stuff his snout in the retirement trough every month, others will be taking note.

Yeah, just move on.

[Via Florida Guy]

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