Thursday, October 10, 2013

This Day in History: October 10

I doubt not that England might be Supplied with Masts from America, if america is not upon her Guard to prevent it. Masts may be cleared out, from America, to France, Spain Holland or elsewhere, and go to the W. I. Islands, Hallifax, Bermudas. But the most probable Artifice would be to fall in with B. Cruisers by Agreement in certain Latitudes, and be taken. All this can be concerted easily( between a British Minister and an american Traiter. A fine Cargo of Masts from america was lately carried into Bermudas, and enabled those Islanders, immediately to fit for Sea a Number of Privateers. British Navigation publick and private in every Part of the World, is at this moment in great distress for Masts. If the Exportation from America is not wholly stopped, they will obtain Some supply from thence. [More]

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