Friday, August 28, 2015

"Hillary is More Qualified"

No doubt true.  But that hardly means the corrupt, egotistical sociopath bitch is qualified. [More]

I'm reminded of a TV interview with some demanding rabble-rousers in the aftermath of the L.A. riots, and they were declaring they wouldn't be satisfied with just jobs, they wanted to be managers.

It was obvious they had no clue as to what being a manager truly entails, at least to being a good one.  What they really wanted was to have someone give them unearned rewards along with authority to boss around and exploit those "under" them.

In other words, they had the authoritarian mentality and emotional maturity of children who hadn't yet learned better, and odds are, never would. Such people are not only unemployable due to lack of productive skills, they are actually a danger to have around.

Just like Hillary.

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