Thursday, November 19, 2015

Just How Rigorous is "Rigorous," Anyway?

“But I am very disappointed in the xenophobic response from governors across the country today who vowed to keep Syrian families who have passed rigorous background checks from entering their states ..." [More]
Really?  And what's the source for those "rigorous background checks," Timmah?  Where do the records come from and what audits have been performed to ensure system integrity and that they are comprehensive and uncompromised?

The Assad regime's filing system?  Something else? And baksheesh isn't a way of life with administrators there?  And no one else has any interest in falsifying or just plain omitting records, assuming any exist in the first place? How about we ask somebody who actually knows what he's talking about?

If you bastards are going to tell us the checks are rigorous, define the damn term. But far be it for any sound bite-parroting "real reporter" to put the stupid bastard on the spot by insisting on specifics to watch him do this:

Meanwhile, another Virginia Democrat says concentration camps are the way to go!

How about not creating a need for them on U.S. soil in the first damn place?

Meanwhile, America-hater McAwful ramps up the citizen disarmament and throws out the welcome mat.

[Via Mack H]

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