Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Flaking Out -- Again

Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-New Mexico, and Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, announced the introduction of a bill Tuesday that they hope will increase the transparency and reporting of domestic violence in the military in the wake of the Texas church mass shooting. [More]
It's "bipartisan"!

And when it doesn't work, the next increment will be private sales. It's only "commonsense." Just ask any urban gangbanger.

But talk of a slippery slope or anyone wanting your guns is just paranoid.

This creature cannot leave fast enough. Not that I think someone who has built a lucrative niche for himself based on elite connections will travel very far.

[Via Henry Bowman]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One more time:

bi-par-tis-an (n.):

1) Political term for double-penetration.