Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What Am I Waiting For?

Aside from cabin confirmation for the Wakanda cruise, one of the things I'm waiting for is streaming, assuming I watch it at all.  Cinemark's reported "Gun Free Zone" policy and the stirring of racial resentments the media is egging on, combined with expected record opening weekend box office numbers, has me thinking my safest personal choice is to sit this one out.

It seems like an enhanced probability for escalating disputes, for lone losers and for false flags, any of which could result in unintended (or intended) fallout for both RKBA and for the communal theater business model.

If something bad goes down, it will be important to remember that the "something must be done!" faction will offer no specifics that could have made a bit of difference. And no, of course this is not a backtracking on support for an armed society-- it's simply the recognition that this society has allowed itself to degrade to the point where people who can't be trusted without a custodian mingle and prey with ease on those who can. Disregaridng due process and imposing prior restraints will do nothing but further enable that.


Anonymous said...

Being white and Republican..........I wouldn't be caught dead (no pun intended)at the theater showing that flic.

Ned said...

Wakanda forever. Yeah. They should save their pennies to visit that place. Oh wait - they can't. Wakanda is a closed society.

David Codrea said...

No "refugee" No-Go Zone communities...?