Monday, April 09, 2018

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

[A] 2nd Amendment Restoration Act must be called for, the repeal of ALL Federal gun control laws from 1934 up.  Since Prohibition was repealed in 1933, then it would also seem prudent to save the American tax payer money and call for a disbanding of the BATFE, since chasing moonshiners doesn't really justify their budget, and their other functions could be handled by other agencies. Infringements to the 2nd Amendment on the whims of a bureaucrat, would be the despotic actions of a tyrant. -- WarOnGuns Correspondent Jeffrey D, via email
I agree in principle. I wish I knew how to make it happen. I learned long ago how limited my capabilities to affect political outcomes are.

All I can really control is my will.

I can't stop others from surrendering their birthrights. I will defy and resist their claiming mine to my dying breath.

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