Best be taken seriously: big push for Red Flag laws / other gun-control in progress! [More]How many million gun owners do you figure there are in Virginia?
How many hundred do you think will show up for Lobby Day?
[Via Felix B]
UPDATE (WarOnGuns Correspondent WilliamT shares his correspondence to VCDL):
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So? That doesn't mean it has no value and should be dismissed and ignored.
It's an imaginative and logical argument that will make sense to the "normals," and deserves to be exploited and thrown back in the teeth of the antis. And not just in VA, but everywhere the argument is made that someone can't be trusted with a gun.
Besides, VLLA SELLA...
How do we get a copy of that text? (its GREAT
Here's an expanded version-- my own thought is this would be most effective as an argument to get people to understand the inconsistency of doing otherwise:
I think, perhaps, that we are going about this the wrong way. We are opposing this and other "Red Flag" bills not only because they are ineffective (I've yet to see any positive results from any similar laws thus far), but because they negatively impact the rights of GUN OWNERS. The problem is, no one but us CARES that it impacts gun owners. Most folks today are so far removed from guns (and other things), that they can make no connection between the rights of those icky gun owners and their own rights. They DO care about THEIR rights, however.
So why not support the red flag laws? I mean flat-out and wholeheartedly. I am deadly serious on this point. However: if I am a danger to myself and others due to owning a gun, I am no less a danger to myself and others by virtue of other means. So - if politicians want to take someone's guns, well and good. Let's amend the bill(s) to include things like:
1) Motor vehicles. I can certainly do a lot of damage with a large car or truck. This has been done numerous times in the past. Why should anyone under such suspicion be allowed to drive in ANY capacity? Can't drive to work? Can't work at all if one drives in some commercial capacity? Sorry, you're a danger.
2) You're a doctor, nurse, EMT, or other medical professional? Your license is suspended or revoked outright (timing is everything - there was just a news article about a medical resident who was fired because she tweeted that she so hated Jews that she might just give them the wrong medicine). Sorry. You're a danger.
3) Operate a preschool, a daycare, or work as an educator/child care professional in ANY capacity (from the school board on down)? Not anymore. Sorry, you're a danger.
4) Pilot? Nope. You can fly planes into buildings, or take dozens with you as you commit suicide. You're a danger.
5) Barber? Beautician? Stylist? Manicurist? Nope. You work with sharp tools and can slice others or introduce disease during a nail job. You're a danger, and your business license is revoked.
6) Work for Lowes, Home Depot, Ace? Nope. Wayyy to many flammable substances at your disposal. Can't work at gas stations either.
7) Food service in any capacity? Nope. Too easy to introduce poisons to your customers. You're a danger.
8) HVAC? Especially Commercial HVAC? Any idea how many people can die if you introduce pathogens into the system? You're a danger.
9) Police? Firefighters? Nope, you're a danger. Police officers can and have shot people maliciously. Firemen have in fact been arsonists. Can't be trusted.
Or, you could take David Codrea's approach (The War on Guns blog), and state that anyone who can't be trusted with a gun (or any of the above) can't be trusted without a custodian. Or, ultimately, if someone is that dangerous, we should just lock them up and throw away the key.
There are myriad other examples. It's simply an extension of the philosophy that "I am the weapon. Everything else is just a tool!"
Can we get some friendly senator(s) or delegate(s) to amend these bills to include the above (and any other pertinent items)? Let's demonstrate to others outside our (unfortunately small) circle that the also have "skin in this game" to encourage them to join with us, rather than us standing alone against what appears to be a rising tide. Again, I am not attempting to be frivolous here. If we cannot enlist those outside our circle in our support, if we continue to allow ourselves to be "othered", I truly believe that we will ultimately not prevail. And I think that possibility should appall EVERYONE.
One of the smartest people I know put it this way: "It assumes such amendments would be made by the legislature. Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which fills up first.
The goal of red flag bills is to disarm gun owners. Everything else is a smoke screen. They wouldn’t even consider a bill that might get non-gun owning voters mad."
I say kabuki theater. You can get and learn the mask guide and know what the players are likely to be.
Rule of thumb, if their lips are moving, left of right of center, they are lying...
They would rather talk about an issue then actually DO anything. Which is why they do things so partisan and extreme rather then incrementally and from what we can agree on.
And simple rule of politics's. If your "side" will do something unconstitutional to push their current agenda then they won't follow the constitution when it applies to you either if they don't want to at that moment in time. A traitor to the constitution is a traitor. They can not be YOUR traitor. They are or they are not. "Grey" area's is you making excuses for your "sides" traitorous misbehavior. Hang them on pay for view and be done with them.
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