Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eat More Crow


Do they really think they'll be "forgiven" by those who want to destroy them? Jackals sensing weakness close in for the kill. It's the same as when our "leaders" "compromise" on guns.

And in the meantime, those who patronized them because, in addition to the food they felt a kinship, no longer have that reason.

In fairness, look at the way CNNEsquire, and others went out of their way to amplify SPLC smears.


Mack said...

This is why I sent you this yesterday:

* https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2019/11/18/chick-fil-a-to-add-clarity-in-2020-to-nonprofit.html

It answers your question. See for yourself.

David Codrea said...

Yesterday, as you know, was problematic. In any case, their statement reads like Fairfax-grade weaselwording to me.

Mack said...

" ... their statement reads like Fairfax-grade weaselwording to me."

Yes it does.

And I hope Tech-Support (you?) got things fixin'