Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Cops Find All Objects in the Physical World Alarming

“The soft-air gun that was fired on a Thunder Bay school bus Wednesday is considered a firearm, Thunder Bay Police said…

“‘I think it’s fair to call it a firearm,’ police spokesman Chris Adams said Friday.

”It could be considered a weapon if it was used in a threatening or criminal manner, he added.”

Me, I find ignorance on the part of “authoritah” alarming. And dangerous to the lives, liberty and property of free people.

Yo, Chris--no, it is certainly not fair:

"Main Entry: fire•arm
"Pronunciation: 'fIr-"ärm
"Function: noun
": a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder -- usually used of small arms"

And for the record, anything “could be considered a weapon if it was used in a threatening or criminal manner.”

Not to alarm you and the rest of Thunder Bay’s finest...

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