Wednesday, March 09, 2005

“I’m the only one professional enough in this room to carry a Glock 40.”

Remember, kids, don't play with guns. [More]

Thanks to WOLFESBLOG for this.

Good grief.


Anonymous said...

I saw this before, and I still laugh myself silly at his comeuppance every time I see it!

Anonymous said...

Kinda validates the fact that you are 10 times more likely to get shot by a cop than a crimminal, and 100 times more likely to get shot by a cop than a law-abiding gun owner.

I've seen more negligent dischares by cops than by anyone else. Used to maintain police vehicles.

Anonymous said...

updated link: here or here

yeah, funny. Especially after he tries to play it off -- "see how easy accidents can happen?"

Anonymous said...

It was funny, but it wouldn't have been funny if that shot had killed one of those kids.