Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Close Your Books, Please, We're Going to Have a Pop Quiz

Dan Baron of The Northwest Indiana Times has created a multiple choice quiz designed to further spook the flock into fearing an armed citizenry.

I wonder how Dan would do on this quiz?


"No One But the Authorities Should Have Assault Weapons"

If these people had assault weapons, they would probably (check all that apply):

___ rob liquor stores
___ engage in drive-by shootings
___ leave them lying around where their kids could find them
___ blow away motorists during traffic disputes
___ go on schoolyard rampages
___ accidentally kill friends and family members
___ none of the above

Might there be a moral, historically justified need for "non-sporting" arms in the hands of "average citizens?" The next time someone tells you we need to ban "assault weapons," ask them to take this test. Why not send a copy of it to the politicians who represent you and see how they answer?

[Adapted from my poster that originally appeared on GunTruths.com]

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