Friday, April 22, 2005

French Fried Guns

Youngstown, Ohio, that bastion of official propriety with a crime rate dwarfing the national average, has decided a great way to keep weapons "off the street" is to melt them.

They took "about 2,600 guns" to V&M Tubes and loaded them into a blast furnace. Not included in the meltdown, understandably, are "2,000 still being held as evidence," but what's up with the "1000 confiscated in DRUG cases"?

I've always believed that you couldn't find a better definition of "fascism" than the catchy gov-speak phrase "public/private partnership," and am always curious about the type of capitalist eager to sell ropes to the collectivists--you know, the guys developing engine shut-off switches and "smart guns," or the ones who make their furnaces available for gun meltdowns.

So what's with V&M Tubes?

Well, for starters, they're French...

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