Friday, May 13, 2005

"Black Arrow" Available Now

I just got the following reminder from Mountain Media:

A number of blog posters have remarked this week that they intend to buy "The Black Arrow" later, "when it's available."

We'd take it as a favor if you'd remind them that the $24.95 paperback edition of "The Black Arrow" went on sale 27 days ago, on April 15. It *IS* and has been available for immediate shipment for more than a month from Liberty Book Shop, or at $27.95 (postpaid) from Mountain Media, 3172 N. Rainbow Boulevard, Suite 343, Las Vegas, NV 89108. We ship within 24 hours.

The paperback edition of "The Black Arrow" is also in stock and for sale NOW from, though Amazon warns they can take two weeks or more to ship.

Waiting for "The Black Arrow" to show up in your local Border's or Barnes & Noble will be fruitless. The cookie-cutter corporate bookstores refuse (and have always refused, so this has nothing to do with any "sex scenes," or any determination that The Black Arrow "sucks") to stock Vin's books, despite our listing the book in all the proper directories; including proper ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) and bar codes; sending the bookstopre chains and ALL the national reviewers "bound galley" review copies 90 days early; offering them 50 percent wholesale discounts, and jumping through all their other hoops.

It's about guns and drugs and freedom.

"The Black Arrow" is available now, and will likely never be any more "available." Order now. The collector's numbered, leatherbound first edition is half gone.

-- Mountain Media

Why the leatherbound edition isn't ALL gone is beyond me. Many in the "pro-gun" community talk big but contribute little, and patronize liberty writers even less.

It's a good book. If you haven't read it, you should. It's entertaining, full of adventure. It unfolds like a movie. And it presents ideas that make TPTB uncomfortable as Hell, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I just got the green light from GUNS Magazine to do a review. I'll post more on that in a few months, when it hits the stands.

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