Saturday, May 07, 2005

A Call to Action

"[E]ven though I am not an American, I care about gun rights and freedom. I believe, America is going to be the death knell of the global gun control movement, and if we can kill gun control in America, it will eventually collapse in every major democracy.

"And now, for action. This year, the House of Representatives and the Senate is composed of a more pro-gun body than ever. This means we have a real shot at passing HR-1703 - Second Amendment Protection Act 2005. It is a bill whose main target is to eliminate the sporting purpose requirement from Federal law, eliminating such things as the import ban and the ATF-introduced ban on certain shotguns in one 'fell swoop', further securing the argument that 'the guns are not for hunting' in law."

So writes MicroBalrog. Did you get that? He's not an American. He lives in Israel. But he's doing more to protect American gun rights than most domestic gun owners--by a long shot.

People who have things given to them, that would be us, too often don't appreciate what they've inherited. Sometimes it takes an observer to see things from outside to tell us we need to act.


He's posted a more detailed call to action here.

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