Friday, May 20, 2005

Crime Gun Solutions--Who ARE These Guys?

Research led me to a post on The Freeholder from a month ago about Gerald Nunziato, a former BATFU careerist now a partner in a venture called "Crime Gun Solutions."

Per the Houston Chronicle: "'If it wasn't for criminals, there wouldn't be a gun industry in this country,' Nunziato said, adding that the claims of the NRA and other gun-rights groups that they are protecting law-abiding citizens with their policies are false.

"'The only people it's protecting are criminals.'"

So who is behind "Crime Gun Solutions"? Seems to be a bunch of ex-BATFUers and pals.

They’re at the forefront of trying to take militia suitable firearms away from We the People, throwing meaningless statistics into the mix just to sound authoritative: “Since the law’s enactment, the number of assault weapons at crime scenes has dropped 45% according to Crime Gun Solutions LLC, a consulting firm.”

If you read the fine print over at the Brady Center, you'll discover "firearms listed in this data are considered by BATFU to be 'crime guns,' which means they have been...[among other things--DC] suspected of having been used in a crime.[emphasis added--DC "

"Former ATF experts at Crime Gun Solutions, LLC, including the former Special Agent in Charge of ATF's National Tracing Center [that would be Nunziato--DC], analyzed the data for the Brady Center and support the study's conclusions."

CEO Joe Vince received special acknowledgement at the IACP Conference IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) Crime Gun Interdiction Strategies for the 21st Century Summit.

The report introduces itself with quotes from Bill Clinton and Janet Reno. It provides a blueprint for achieving self-fulfilling gun control goals. This summit” was supported through a grant from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance,” that is, We the People were coerced into paying for this plot against our rights.

The Constitution and legitimate delegated authority and individual rights are not considerations. Nowhere in the summit report is the Second Amendment even mentioned.

Crime Gun Solutions is emerging as a leading subversive threat to the right to keep and bear arms. We'd all do well to keep a watchful eye on this group.

Of immediate concern: Where do they get their funding from? Do anti-gun groups like Brady Center pay for "research"? Does CGS receive money from any taxpayer-funded agency at any level of government? Who are the major investors who own it?

Be nice to track the ninja down and pull his mask off...

In the mean time, don't let the media get away with referring to them as "a consulting group" without acknowledging that they are agenda-driven. Ditto for any "authoritative" claims citing them as a credible reference. Write editors to correct the record whenever you see this occur.

These guys didn't succeed in disarming us when they were in jackboots. Now that they've discovered a more lucrative gig (and any bets that they also have healthy retirement benefits and pensions courtesy of the people they wish to disarm?), they may actually be more of a threat.

Treat them that way.

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