Monday, May 09, 2005

The New McCarthyism

"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) today introduced legislation to prevent individuals convicted of felonies in foreign countries from purchasing firearms in the U.S...McCarthy's bill amends current law to state that a person "convicted in any court, including any foreign court, of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" shall not be able to possess a firearm...McCarthy's bill allows the courts to determine the validity of foreign convictions in disputed cases. 'This clause will protect individuals convicted in courts of questionable jurisdiction or legitimacy,' said McCarthy."

Let's see, China, where selling Bibles will get you a felony conviction, is on our favored nations list, so their jurisdiction must be legitimate.

It seems to me the delegated powers relating to Congress and the courts have already been defined--not that we'd expect the distinguished representative from New York to read the Constitution.

Why are we letting rapists and murderers into the country might be a better issue to address.

[via KABA Newslinks]

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