Friday, June 03, 2005

Laser Etching and Microstamping

I can't decide which one is my "favorite" sentence from this article:

"It would link purchasers to handgun ammunition through an electronic swipe of a driver's license at the point of sale."


"Sen. Joseph Dunn, a Garden Grove Democrat who introduced the bill for Lockyer, said he is working with law enforcement groups to resolve concerns about how to treat a massive existing inventory [and] possession of unmarked ammunition in homes..."

Squeeze, baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This could be defeated by gun-owners getting together and having "ammo-swaps". This could be done in gun clubs, shooting ranges or gun shows. You get x number of people together who each have a box of identical ammo. They all throw their ammo on a table and then everyone randomly picks a box of ammo to take home. This would introduce an element of doubt that would make the serial numbers useless in a court case.