Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More "Black Arrow" Field Updates

From Vin Suprynowicz

June 10:
We drew about 60 people to my address before the Pike's Peak Firearms Coalition in Colorado Springs Thursday evening (there was a lovely cake with the cover of "The Black Arrow" in full color in the frosting, further inscribed "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.") That followed the afternoon book-signing at the local Barnes & Noble; while I was in town I sold more than 60 copies of "The Black Arrrow." (There was actually demand for more copies of the leather-bound edition than I had brought.)

We got some coverage in the local press; Amy Willard there might be able to provide some more details. (Amy & Dave Willard were the very generous hosts & organizers of my appearance.)

Best Wishes,

-- Vin

June 13:
Several of you have kindly suggested "The Black Arrow" would make a good movie, and asked whether we've made any efforts to place it in the hands of folks who do that sort of thing.

There aren't many folks in movieland who identify themselves as free market types or Libertarians (capital OR small "L") -- Kurt Russell, Dennis Leary, Christina Ricci, and perhaps Clint Eastwood are about all who come immediately to mind.

So, we sent one inscribed copy of "The Black Arrow" to each, through their registered agents or publicists. (Actually, we sent several to the various addresses for Mr. Eastwood's Malpaso Productions -- all were returned.)

Otherwise, what happens to such books?

See http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/offer-listing/0976251604/ref=dp_olp_2//103-0863813-0768614?condition=all


Best Wishes,

-- Vin

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