Monday, July 25, 2005

Birds Do It

My sister sent me this after I posted the piece on how "charity" is destroying Africa:

I have to share one, and it's even true. On a goofy whim I bought a hummingbird feeder a few weeks ago. It is a complete hoot, but I may have to rethink the moral implications of this ornithological entertainment. I got birdie visits within 10 minutes of putting the damn thing up on my back porch, which is pretty interesting. But it took less than a day for the birds to completely stop foraging the hibiscus - too much work apparently when the Federal auto dispenser is so close by. Then the altercations started - alpha birdie [actually I think its a she] plops her butt on the perch, hogs and chases the others off. And just a couple of days ago the drive by peckings started up. So now I have fat, lazy, hostile birdies dependent on subsidies.

Of course, its pretty funny to watch, too...

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