Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Quick, Everyone, Stop Enjoying Yourselves: Rosie's Disgruntled Again

"Rapper Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs has angered celebrity neighbor Rosie O'Donnell after throwing an extravagant fireworks show that left her children in tears.

"O'Donnell is upset after spending all night calming her frightened puppy and consoling her four sobbing kids who were left terrified by the loud display."

Rosie, what are you doing to those children to where their reaction is one of terror instead of wonderment? How do those poor kids stand a chance with a self-admitted headcase like you as their primary adult role model? How have you described yourself? Oh yeah, “one of the haunted…with an absurd ability to deny the obvious.”

I don't suppose it's possible they were reacting to your reaction? Do they cry often in situations where other children do not? Do you?

It's also telling how something that leaves you inconvenienced and disgruntled also leaves you feeling entitled to trivialize true disasters like "a war zone -- downtown Baghdad -- a subway in London -- a hotel in Egypt and on and on and on," which in turn trivializes sacrifice and tragedy and horror. You hearing fireworks from your mansion equates with human carnage?

But then, it's all about you, isn't it, Rosie, and getting attention by letting everyone know how miserable you are? And making them miserable in the process?


Anonymous said...

Dear Fat,Lesbian,Commie,Ingrate,Repulsive,Self-Righteous,Hypocrite,And Thorough-Going Piece of Rosie; While I someday hope to muster the wherewithall to tell you how I really feel about you and your sanctimonious bile, let it suffice for now to inform you that if you were to expire suddenly,along with your idiot neighbor, I would only be able to muster one well engined and loud fart to express my appreciation for those responsible. Very truly yours, One who is impervious to hogwash, on any scale.

David Codrea said...

Now, now, Anonymous--there are plenty of gun owners who could stand to lose a few pounds, and folks like Pink Pistols who fight just as hard for 2A as anyone.

But I know where you're coming from.