Friday, September 09, 2005

Mexican Military Crosses Border

I guess we're supposed to be grateful, but do we really need foreign troops on US soil?

I'd like to see some questions answered:
  • Are they armed?
  • Do they have authority over Americans who don't want their help?
  • Why have we placed ourselves in a position where we need their manpower?
  • Why is it that an American citizen trying to bring a truck of relief supplies in will reportedly get turned away at gunpoint, but a Mexican soldier doing the same is hailed as a liberator?

Maybe they can help with the forced evacuations and weapons confiscations.


UPDATE: Looks like they're unarmed. Link courtesy of Texican Tattler.

UPDATE UPDATE: Gunner links to an account that says they are armed.

1 comment:

AB5SY said...

Here is one more thing we can blame Bush for. No we do not need their help, and I for one would create an internations incent by shooting some of them had Oklahome been their destination.