Friday, September 30, 2005

"We Want Your Visit to be Safe and Positive"

The propaganda the Bradys are disseminating at Florida airports to scare off tourists really does show how sick these people are.

Here's their main handout, urging visitors to "take sensible precautions" while promulgating their deranged fantasy that life's setbacks prompt normal people to respond with lethal force.

Another handout, "The Brady Backgrounder," says Florida is "LICENSING AND IMMUNIZING PARANOID VIOLENCE."

To prove their point, the following scenario is posited:

Imagine, if you will, the times in your life when you’ve been afraid of another human being: A motorist who threatened you on the highway, a group of teenagers who threatened you on a street corner, a homeless man who harassed you and called you names for refusing to give him spare change, a drunk in a bar who tries to pick a fight.

Now imagine that you killed all those people. Imagine that everyone killed all the people that ever gave them a nervous adrenalin rush.

Good Lord. That has to be one of the sicker fantasies I've seen. Whoever came up with it could use a mental health professional to get to the root of their neurotic distrust. And they call us paranoid?

Perhaps it would be helpful to remind visitors that being armed really does deter crime--as evidenced by all those tourists targeted a few years back because Florida citizens were--which influenced the predators to seek out easier prey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, the Brady's crap is nothing but fiction and imagination run amok. There's not a shred of evidence that supports their mad fanasies.

Can't someone some where sue these vicious people for slander or libel?