Monday, September 26, 2005

Who Could Be Kookier Than Wendy?

Wendy Cukier, that is.

Cukier, president of the Toronto-based Coalition for Gun Control, says the long hours she's put in lobbying the government to bring in tougher gun laws have been therapeutic.

The Ryerson University professor says the 1989 Montreal massacre, in which 14 young female students were gunned down, prompted her to take up the cause.

Therapeutic for whom?

Seems to me if people are helpless and being slaughtered, the answer is to make them not helpless. And how will forcing those who don't engage in massacres into telling you what guns they own gonna help?

The Canadian government has spent [visualize Dr. Evil here] $2 BILLION Dollars on a gun registration boondoggle that most Canadians just ignore.

But apparently it's "therapeutic" for Wendy to know she's an apologist for coercing, criminalizing and destroying her countrymen if they don't bend to her sick will.

I guess the question is, how long are Canadians going to allow kooky broads like this any say at all when it comes to their rights?


Anonymous said...

How long? Well, I suspect a looong time.

We have according to our own mentally ill hoplophobes and the rest of the world a "gun culture",and we have allowed this anti-gun silliness for 71 years at the federal level. NFA 1934

Dodge City, Ks is the most famous, but by no means only example of trespass against the right to arms occurring in the 19th century. They had a "deadline" past which no firearms were allowed to be borne.

Of course, there is the Sullivan Act for NYC. And don't forget San Francisco that is trying to institute the same guaranteed victim supply system right now. Washington, D.C. has it. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

So, I expect Canada will have their mentally incompetent, their weak sisters, and morally inept shriekers with them for a long time, just as we have.

And just as we have allowed in many places in our country they will find enough supporters politically to keep them in office by promising them things they are not entitled to that must be taken from others. NO DAMN WONDER THEY WANT EVERYBODY DISARMED!! Both in Canada and here.

David Codrea said...

Deleted comment from "Anonynmous Bob, deep in occupied Kanada."

Bob, your comment was inappropriate for my site. I don't talk about killing or doing physical violence to specific people here, even figuratively.

Unlike you, I don't post anonymously--my real name and reputation is inextricably linked to everything that appears here.

Feel free to post here, but please respect a few simple rules: no threats, no obscenities, no spam, and be on topic.

Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk about it.

David Codrea