Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Anti-Gun Groups Call for Ban on Crown Molding

If it will save one life...

Pretty funny satire.


Anonymous said...

That would almost be funny if a woman hadn't died because she didn't have the weapon necessary to overthrow the crown...molding.

Even though I find it unfunny, it is an accurate portrayal of mental illness affecting so many.

Anonymous said...

Obviously violent death isn't funny. But pointing out the typical response of the liberals, that the solution is to ban inanimate objects that people can't be trusted with, is right on target. Ridiculous people and ridiculous proposals deserve to be ridiculed.

Anonymous said...

34% of all children live in homes where crown molding is unlocked, and easily accessable. Over 50% of children live in homes where there is crown molding.If your children play in other childrens' homes, please, for their sake,ask if there is crown molding present.It doesn't hurt to ASK, even if it is none of your damned business. The unregulated sale of crown molding goes on despite this insanity at Home Depot and Lowes'and numerous lawsuits trying to hold them and their murderous trade responsible. High capacity ceilings and automatic nail guns are meant to spray decor indiscriminately at as many homes as possible. There is only one use for these items. To embellish as many homes as possible. You don't need crown molding to go decorating. I've been a supporter of decorating all my life, but I don't need crown molding to go decorating.