Sunday, October 16, 2005

Shoot Your Mouth Off First, Don't Ask Questions Later

I sent the following to a Canadian journalist and his editor over this little piece of lying hysteria masked under the "National and World News" banner:

My Goodness, Jason. What a good little propagandist for the Brady Campaign you are—you even managed to use all their arguments and buzz words.

Pretty clever disguising that opinion piece as straight news. That way, people will think you’re a real reporter, not just a paid hack for the political left.

I notice Captain of a Crew of One has also written them, and had to laugh when I saw he, too, properly considers what is being sold as "news" an editorial/opinion piece.

Looks like everyone is capable of making the distinction except those elite "professional journalists" the government seems so enamored of.


jomama said...

Journalists are most always just mouthpieces for the Glory of the State, soon to be obsolete, both MSM journalists and the state.

Anonymous said...

I have to be perfectly honest: I didn't even notice the section that this piece was in. I simply assumed that it was an opinion piece because it was obviously composed entirely of the author's opinion rather than facts or evidence. Had I noticed that it was posted under "News" I surely would have mentioned that as well.

Good catch.

Curtis Stone
AKA Captain of a crew of one