Sunday, November 20, 2005

"Of Course, I Carry a Gun. People Want to Kill Me."

It doesn't get more basic than that.

Those arrests are then followed by vigorous prosecution, Green said. His office has adopted a "no plea" policy, in which prosecutors won't accept any plea agreements that don't result in state prison sentences for people who carry guns.

That policy doesn't just apply to violent criminals, of course. It would also be used against those who just want to protect themselves and their property. and order. and order.

The statists just don't get that you can have both--assuming the laws are moral and rational.


Anonymous said...

Madison, Monroe, Jefferson, et al had Mr. Green in mind when they supported the second amendment and guaranteed it against infringement. So, logically, Mr. Green is committing the crime and should therefore be apprehended and punished. If it proves out that the laws (ultimate law of the land, constitutiton) against what Mr. Green is doing will not be enforced then it is the mission of the militia to remove him.

There may be other criminals in this story,none but Green and the police that do his bidding have official sanction, however. Therefore they comprise the tyranny the second was intended to prevent or correct. Starting to seem like correction may be necessary soon.

Anonymous said...

Uhh, Dave---The statists don't want both, plain and simple. That's why they're statists.

David Codrea said...

Disagree, RJ--they want law and order. Their law and their order.

Anonymous said...

David Codrea, I will lay two to one odds you don't disagree with RJ.....if I read him correctly he was saying they don't want and order, both. As in your original post. Law and order being two components of only one unit and freedom being the other unit he thinks they don't want.

Make that 100 to 1 odds, I know you agree with him, because he was agreeing with you.

Whereas I am of the belief that they care far less for law than they do order. Given an unavoidable choice between the two they have a well and long established history of choosing order over law. Look how many laws they, themselves, break to maintain and/or institute order.

As nearly as I can tell the real issue is between freedom and order, with law being used as an excuse to impose order only when it serves the purpose and to be ignored by the elite when it restricts their power to impose their order on the rest.

Humans while being a herd animal, still manage to be inherently disorderly. When a high degree of orderliness can be noted, so can a high degree of force to make it so.
Immutable law of the universe.

David Codrea said...

RJ--if I can get you to agree that we disagree, I'll take straightarrow's bet and split the winnings with you...:-)

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh... Wish I could, Dave, but straightarrow pegged it. ;-)