Tuesday, January 24, 2006

If You Can't Beat 'em, Lie

A bill (HB1) expanding the circumstances in which deadly force may be used in self-defense is pending in the Alabama Legislature...One opponent is Arthur Hayhoe, executive director of the Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. He told the Times the Alabama bill could cause trouble if passed "I call it the 'right-to-commit-murder' bill."
And I call that a damned lie, Arthur.

How does the gene pool produce these wretched creatures?



Nicki said...

"How does the gene pool produce these wretched creatures?"

He got in while the lifeguard wasn't watching.

E. David Quammen said...

"How does the gene pool produce these wretched creatures?"....

It is a very simple procedure, David.

First, one must find a steaming cess-pool. (It cannot be boiling, as that will destroy the specimen -not that it would be a real loss, mind you).

Then one must continue to defecate in the pool, occasionally stirring the matter. Care must be taken, at this crucial point, not to cause severe agitation. As this may cause an over-replication. You must be careful to not produce 'twins' as they have a tendency of turning on each other. This, as should be apparent, can upset the whole subterfuge!

Then, at precisely the right moment, you add a dash of hypocricy, a pinch of ignorance, and a teaspoon, (not tablespoon - but a 'teaspoon'!), of idiocy. And then, lastly, a heaping cup of unmitigated gall.

You then turn your 'creation' loose on the world and sit back and watch with glee!

Anonymous said...

"How does the gene pool produce these wretched creatures?"

CHAIRMAN MAO'S LITTLE RED BOOK reveals a lot about where these people come from.