Friday, January 06, 2006

It's a Start

Alfano, who was promoted to Assistant Minority Leader last week, said the new measures are a step in the right direction...
For those who doubt the ultimate aim of the gungrabbers, note the rhetoric.

It's a "start." It's "a step in the right direction."

There's no acknowledgement of the thousands of citizen disarmament laws already in existence that have already utterly failed to impact the feigned and proclaimed goals of the next edict. No, we're treading virgin snow here, and we all know how a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Note that Alfano's another Republican who wants to spread this Bloomberging treachery nationwide.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps a "goose step" in the right direction. I recall reading in Joachim Fest's book about the Third Reich, that little but not quaint groups of Nazis would stand around on corners in 1934 Berlin near cafes and gasthauses and roar such renderings as " We'll have the Enabling Act or there'll be blood" and "Things go twice as well when Jewish blood spurts from the knife". I find these guys comical now, and I'm sure they won't be so amusing in the future. I've always wondered at some peoples absolute desire to enslave and crush others.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to wonder about sean, they all think they will be on the side of the power and there will always be someone of inferior power for them to rape, pillage, and plunder.

Unlike most, I do not consider the 2nd amendment to be about the right to keep and bear arms. The right to keep and bear arms in the second amendment is about the same thing as all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights are about. The absolute necessity to protect one's self from human nature which hasn't improved appreciably since we emerged from the primordial ooze.

Recognizing each individual's right to self determination is the key to defeating the pack of predators that gather at the first sign weakness. Limp now, and all the cowardly wolves will drag you down by the sheer weight of their numbers. Face them, dare them to attack and harm those you can, will keep them at bay. Wolves are cowardly and weak, despite everybody's impression to the contrary. Else they would not need to hunt in packs, and they would not run when faced with strength.

Those who prey on the public like to be considered wolves, for you see, wolves don't know they are cowards. None of the despots of the 20th century would have been more than the village "mental defective" if they had been faced down early on. The only animal incapable of frightening a wolf is a domestic sheep, even rabbits kick and bite. Do you think that could be the real cause of most of the trouble in world? Too many people are willing emulating domesticated sheep. I do.

Anonymous said...

You're right, Dave. It's always a "start" or "a step in the right direction". Nothing short of total confiscation is ever a goal.