Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And a Child Shall Lead Them...

Allowing people to carry guns wherever they go is like allowing children to run with scissors. They might not ever get hurt, but no one in their right mind would actually allow their child to do it...And let's not forget guns sometimes have the unfortunate luck of going off on their own...Certainly having a ban on concealed weapons deters would-be offenders from even carrying a gun.
Translation: Governments are instituted among men to treat them like preschoolers. Inanimate objects spring to life and act of their own volition. Violent criminal predators obey the law.

Words of knowledge, wisdom, experience and judgment from a college kid.

What a laughable, ignorant, impotent child you are, Chris Walker.

You should stop what you're doing--right now--and go read Julia Gorin.

Then hang your pathetic head in deserved shame.



Anonymous said...

Seems like the writer likes to spew, but really has no facts to back up his statements. Whatever happened to REAL journalists, who researched FACTS?

E. David Quammen said...

bobg - Whatever happened - It's called Democracy!

Chris Walker - David was being kind by the use of the word impotent.

The word(s) I choose to use are; Coward, Slothful, Ignorant, Infantile, Moronic...shall I continue? Or, is the picture coming in crystal for you, Chris?