Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Hysterical Propagandist Masquerading As A Journalist Award Goes To...

...Bill Ruthhart of The Indianapolis Star, who uses the cloak of "straight news" to present Brady Campaign talking points. In the interests of maintaining the illusion of being fair and balanced, he did include this quote from an NRA spokesman I find interesting:
"Every time you pass a gun control law, the only universe of people you're going to affect are the law-abiding citizens who will follow that law," said Andrew Arulanandam, director of public affairs for the National Rifle Association.

"Criminals don't follow the laws, so why pass them?"
Exactly. So we can count on the mantra being changed from "enforce" to "repeal existing gun laws"?


E. David Quammen said...

I've got a different 'mantra';

To HELL with TYRANTS! (And those that uplift and support them)!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could get them to change to "Repeal existing laws", 'cause I'm sure tired of these "Wesayso" laws!

And I sure like e. david's "mantra"!

Of course, there's always "MOLON LABE!"

Anonymous said...

How about MAKE ME. C'mon, MAKE ME. Bring it on, big boy. It is a good day to die.