Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mar. 1956 GUNS Now Online

A .55 caliber tank rifle--for $74.95? F.O.B. Los Angeles???

No, we're not in an alternate universe, simply a different time--and one that some of us were alive in. That just goes to show you how much we have lost--and how much that we now deem unbelievable was once commonplace and unquestioned.

Did you know there was also a Buffalo Bill Comstock, and that William F. Cody, who used the same "cognomen," beat him in a hunting demonstration to seal his claim to the name?

You know how politicians tell us guns and bars don't mix? Take a tour of the Military Inn in Dearborn, MI, with its collection of over 10,000 firearms, and see the Governor admiring a Colt believed to be the handgun used to kill Jesse James. (Finger off that trigger, Governor--and you, too, "Annie Oakley.")

Meet a 76-year-old who splits cards at 100 yards, and make the acquaintance of "America's Prettiest Shotgunner." Then admire the craftsmanship of Holland & Holland, "The Finest Gun Makers On Earth."

These features and more are included in the Mar. 1956 issue of GUNS Magazine, now online for free download.



AlanDP said...

You are going to force me to subscribe to this magazine. I can already hear my wife: "Another gun magazine?"

How I would love to win a .50AE! Maybe I could even afford ammo for it once or twice a year.

David Codrea said...

alandp: Tell her it's for a good cause, and David will be able to afford to feed young sons Uday and Qusay their meager bowl of gruel (between beatings) if the magazine continues to stay in business and employ him...

Anonymous said...

It better stay in business...I'm subscribed to it till 2011.

Bounty Hunter

E. David Quammen said...

Great article in Guns, David! To bad we couldn't transform sound reason into a gas and pump it into the atmosphere!