Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Pleasant Police Encounter

In my opinion, there is no greater misdeed than to punish the many based on the unlawful acts of a few--Chief Larry Buechler

Dear Chief,

I see the following open letter concerning semiautomatic firearms attributed to you.

If this is your stance, you have my respect for taking such a politically unpopular, yet correct position. I just wanted to verify that you are truly the source of this post before passing it on to others.


David Codrea


Sorry, I have not checked this email address in a while. That is, in fact, my letter.

Best wishes,

Larry Buechler

Chief of Police

Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your having the guts to stand up to the establishment and be a voice for common sense.



1 comment:

Jay said...

Thanks for a good report, David.

Kudos to you, Chief Buechler.