Monday, April 03, 2006

"Anti-Gun Activist" Awash in Excuses

"If there weren't guns on the street, there wouldn't be guns in my home," she says. "The system failed me and it failed my son. I'm angry at everybody who has the authority to stop gun violence and the proliferation of guns."
Anything but accepting responsibility for her own failure to raise her kid and control what goes on in her home...

My favorite whine:
(The police) are doing their job, but do they have to do their job like this?"
What, they messed up the place doing a search to enforce edicts she promotes?

I don't think I've ever seen so many self-serving pity-poor-me deflections of responsibility crammed into such a compressed space.


Anonymous said...

Who'd Have thunk it?
And this bimbo wants to restrict MY rights to defend myself from her Gangsta kid.

The crack was probably hers, anyway.

Warrior1 said...

I find most people need to find blame for their own screw ups ... this lady apparently never taught her children about firearms so she blames guns rather than herself.
sad sad world

Anonymous said...