Friday, April 28, 2006

Better Living Through No Chemistry

The feral government wants to ban private ownership of chemicals, just like their enumerated Constitutional powers authorize them to do.

And remember: Our enemies hate us because we're free!


BobG said...

I'm getting awfully sick of the BATF.
I think it is time they found something productive to do with their time, like maybe patrol our southern border...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, David. We homeschool and the implications from this can be logically derived. We possess a few of those chemicals in our science kits.

It seems I become more and more dangerous with each passing week. I don't even have to do anything. Pass a few edicts, outlaw a few things, restrict some chemicals and PRESTO! I'm a dangerous felon.

Sure glad I "Vote(d) Freedom First."

BobG said...

There seems to be some sort of agenda to copy the UK, and that place is going belly-up in a hurry.

E. David Quammen said...

Amazing that an agency supposedly composed of PUBLIC SERVANTS is allowed to ARBITRARILY RULE against Constitutionally guaranteed Principle.

This MUST be stopped. It is an ILLEGAL USURPATION of supposed 'authority'.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, let's just make sure we can get them whether or not they're banned. To hell with their stupid laws!

Anonymous said...

my email to their contact number, don't expect it to be published: "How simple minded have we become in our rush to become subhuman ? That this bill should be needed is an indictment of the moral weakness of New Hampshire residents. A people that would consider any part of flee or surrender in lieu of self defense has committed suicide, they just haven't been smart enough to lie down.

How the Hell can you expect the criminal element to respect life and property when the people owning them do not?"