Sunday, April 23, 2006

We're the Only Ones Judgment-Impaired Enough

"These officers were talking and joking when Capt. McLaughlin for no apparent reason took out his weapon (made sure the magazine was full and seated properly) and put his handgun to the back of officer Fryslin's head. All present were upset and visibly shaken."
Haha. Funny prank. And this after one of their own killed another in an "accident" seven months earlier.

Note how the cops tried to keep a lid on things--with the lame excuse they're not required to volunteer their reports to the media. They were trying to keep it under wraps and hoped no one would notice, plain and simple. And the excuse that the "victim" didn't wish to press charges sounds like bunk. Someone with knowledge of PA law correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is, once a crime has been committed--particularly in front of witnesses--it is prosecuted under the auspices of "People vs..." The affected cop may forego civil charges, but he does not have the authority to suspend state law.

I love the mouthpiece who complains they're damned if they do or don't treat cops like ordinary citizens: like it would be an option for you or me not to be prosecuted for putting a gun to a cop's head--and as if our "punishment" would be to do nothing on the people's dime to the tune of over $40K per year for life.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]


Anonymous said...

I cannot claim full knowledge of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, however my lay interpretation of the Aggravated Assault statute which states "attempts by physical menace" to put any officers, including police officers, "in fear of imminent serious bodily injury." This violation is a felony of the second degree. Due to the law in this Commonwealth, a person so convicted would not be allowed to carry a firearm any longer. For the safety of the people of Pennsylvania, and if the man should be found guilty, he ought to be stripped of his rights to arms.

E. David Quammen said...

There is no excuse or justification that can be offered for an act such as that. The fact that the officer is still employed is what is most troubling.

It is obvious that a different form of accountability needs implemented. They would make damn sure it did if it were any of us citizen's.

The more I read about incidents such as these. The more I wonder if we will be able to restore any sense of normalcy in our country? It isn't looking very good....

Anonymous said...

E.David, he isn't still employed. He retired almost immediately.

Please don't say normalcy, the word is normality.

You are correct that there is no excuse for his behavior. He should be prosecuted and he should never be trusted with firearms. If he hasn't learned the gravity of the use and threat of firearms after 26 years in law enforcement, he is mentally and/or morally deficient and cannot be trusted.

I am, at the moment, deep in my cups, hence the snide remark about "normality". But there isn't enough whiskey in the world to cause me to point a handgun at another man's head as a prank.

This moron needs the same treatment he would have visited on those he has obviously relegated to less exalted status than himself.

How insular can these dumb s.o.b.'s be when they excuse such behavior against one of their own by one of their own?

Anonymous said...

I meant to add "because he is one of their own."