Thursday, April 20, 2006

We're the Only Ones--Or ARE We...?

Police issued an all-points bulletin yesterday after someone broke into a police officer's car in 'Ewa and stole the officer's service handgun, badge and other items.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]


Anonymous said...

I JUST made a comment over on about the push to prevent businesses from banning guns in employee's cars, citing exactly this type of case.

Such a law may be fine from a liberty standpoint, but it makes no practical difference to me for two reasons:

1. I never leave valuables in my vehicles. Not guns, not cash, not laptop computers. Cars are not secure repositories for things I don't want to lose.

2. I'm forbidden by state law from carrying concealed weapons at my place of work, (a hospital) including parking lots and outbuildings. I refuse to confirm or deny my strict observance of that law.

David Codrea said...

Me too, Lee.