Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Change of Attitude Needed in Gun Sales

More "anti" hysteria lauding the Bloomberg stings from the Reading Eagle.

There's a comment form link at the bottom of the editorial.

Use it and help change some attitudes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's mine.

"If I determine to break the law in a quest to deny rights to my fellow citizens will you laud me?

Are you enamored of felons? Because that is who you are lauding if they did what they said they did. Or liars if they did not, because they knew it was illegal. At this point the only lawbreakers to come to light are Bloomberg and his criminal gang. That's by their own admission. The gun dealers obeyed the law. And you laud them?

Is you blood so weak and watery and your spine so jellified that you pine for stronger men to take all volition from you and leave you their scraps? No matter if they are bad men and violate the rights of an entire people, just so long as you can feel as though you are under the wing of a stronger man or men. It is pitiable that any American could fall so short of his heritage bought at the price of blood and treasure by real men. Shame on you.