Friday, May 26, 2006

It's Not About "Gun Control"...

Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg thrust himself into the national immigration debate Wednesday, advocating a plan that would establish a DNA or fingerprint database to track and verify all legal U.S. workers...

"You don't have to work _ but if you want to work for a company you have to have a Social Security card," he said.
It's about "People Control." It always has been.

Doesn't "You don't have to work" coming from a billionaire smack of "Let them eat cake"?

This tyrant has secured his place in my list of "The Ten Most Despicable People in America."

Perhaps we should all send Mike one of those fingerprints he so craves, and ask him to guess which finger it came from. I'd suggest also sending him a DNA sample, but that might get me in trouble...


E. David Quammen said...

"The Ten Most Despicable People in America."

Would very much be interested in finding out who the other nine are! Let's see if I can guess some....

1. Sarah Brady
2. Jim Brady
3. Peter Hamm
4. Daly
5. Schumer
6. Feinswein
7. T. Kennedy
8. Kerry
9. H. Clinton
(I can go a LOT farther. Are you sure it's only ten, David? How about the ten most despicable groups of ten?)

Anonymous said...

It's as it's always been. It's about fear and control. Those that want to abolish private gun ownership fear guns and those that own them. They attempt to delude others that crime prevention is the real reason for ridding private citizenry of firearm ownership. As usual, a gun ban would not affect them i ntheir personal lives, as they tend to live in gated and/or guarded communities, and have the benefit of private or publicly provided security forces dedicated to their special protection. True hypocricy in action. "YOU can't have guns, but my body guards can, of course."