Saturday, May 27, 2006

Kiss This

Mayor Bob Kiss, stepping into sensitive political territory in just his second month in office, responded to a shooting incident in the city by calling for greater gun control...

"I really have concerns in general about handguns and the fact there's maybe more prevalence in the world to the use of violence," Kiss said.
This is in Vermont.

Think of this guy as a cancerous cell...


Ben said...

I just found out about this jerk and posted an entry on my blog. Guess what the situation was that prompted Mayor Kiss to spout off? Two guys get into a fight after leaving a bar at 2 a.m. A Jamaican immigrant shoots the second man and gets away. Rather than explain why the suspect wasn't caught, the dishonorable mayor decides to shift the focus of the story. I called him a jerk earlier, so now..ummm, I'll go with bastard.

Anonymous said...

Kiss in this case must stand for Kriminy I'm Seriously Stupid.

Anonymous said...

If you people had any balls you wouldn't need your ridiculous guns.

David Codrea said...

And if you had any you wouldn't snipe from the shadows.