Monday, May 15, 2006

On Cutting "Gun Violence"

Politicians against gun control are to blame for violence committed by reptiles? I guess that's easier to sell than the truth: that mad dogs are the inevitable result of the socialist incubator useful idiot Tom Ferrick Jr. and his ilk demand.

This would be easy to fisk if it wasn't so damned difficult to stomach this police state apologist's loathsome opinions. How does someone become this bent?

The liar calls one-gun-a-month schemes "a start"--as if "gun control" in Philadelphia is a virgin subject that's never been tried before.

There can be no peace between us. He and his kind won't allow it.

Molon labe, Tom, you despicable wretch.

You can't take back your words. If history recalls you at all, it will be as an obscure collaborator and enemy of freedom.


Anonymous said...

Ok David, enough of this pussyfooting around. Why don't you tell us your real opinion of this miserable wretch? :)

David Codrea said...

Because I try not to resort to least in venues with public access.