Saturday, May 13, 2006

Scots Hire Squirrel Czar

THE Scottish are so concerned about the rampant growth of the Grey American squirrel population, that they are using taxpayers money to employ someone to deal with the problem.
Or as Dennis Walker writes, "You all realize there wouldn't be a story if the Scots could give every 14-year old boy a .22 and some shooting lessons..."


Anonymous said...

O.K., this is downright funny...or would be, if it wasn't for the fact that the land of William Wallace has been disarmed.

BTW, how did our bushy-tailed rats get over there in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, well. I do think they have been a bit 'squirrelly' about guns in Great Britain for some time now.

Anonymous said...

It's sad, the English had trouble conquering Scotland but the grey squirrel is able to?

Anonymous said...

Is the problem the squirrel infestation, or the fact that they are an "American" breed of sqirrel?

The article is unclear about that.