Wednesday, May 10, 2006

State Secrets

The names of those packing heat in Florida should not be a state secret.
Boy, I wish I wasn't in a hurry to get to another 14 hour work day--these morons really deserve a good fisking, they are just so wrong on so many counts.

In other years, gun supporters have argued that the knowledge that someone had a permit to carry a concealed weapon would be a deterrent to crime. Now they have reversed themselves, contending that keeping concealed weapons permits as public records makes the gun owners vulnerable to attack or harassment.
No, the argument has always been the knowledge that someone is likely to be armed in a given situation is what has been presented as a deterrent. Knowing specifically who eliminates the uncertainty factor and identifies a target.

It's yet another reason why I think whether or not you're carrying should be a personal secret, not a state one.

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