Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We're the Only Ones, Eh?

A gun-crazy Canada Customs officer has been fired for posing as Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry with automatic weapons on the Internet...

Airport sources said the photos show the fired officer with a machine-gun. In one photograph the firearm was held to a smirking co-worker's head...
Do you feel lucky? Well do you, hoser?

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen those movies several times, I don't remember Eastwood holding a gun to a co-workers head. Or posing for any pictures. Did the good Customs Officer kill any drug crazed serial rapists, or bank robbers? Did he tell any smarmy feministas where to get off? How about sexually aggresive Asian chicks? How did that pan out? I dying to see the video where he takes that shot at the stadium in the half light and intentionally nails a creep in the leg with a .357Magnum from about 60 ft. What a shot! If I could do that, I could be a Customs officer in Canada too!